請問下面網址的器械中文名字叫甚麼? 這個是帶氧運動 請給我使用它的正確姿勢?(手應該擺哪裡?腳怎麼踏法?身體應傾前還是?)
圖片參考: Star Trac Natural Runner Plus 「太空漫步機」對於鍛鍊上下半身的肌肉,心肺功能訓練、臀部肌群、腿部肌群,都是非常好的運動,也能真正挑戰您的心肺體能的帶氧運動。 站在踏板上,使踏板向前移動並開始。按「QUICKSTART」掣及握著手柄,使上下半身的動作能夠配合。雙手緊握長手杆,運動時前後隨身擺動,似作滑雪爬行,腳踏在踏板上,當踏板開始前後反覆時,就展開走漫步滑行的動作。 利用「LEVEL」方向掣可以調整阻力度。記著使用時要保持良好的姿勢,即是把肩部拉後,同時保持頭部及身體挺直。讓雙膝保持與臀部相約的寬度,並和腳趾保持垂直。 動作也可從反方向進行,只要開始時將腿部往後方移動,並讓手臂跟著腿部移動就可以。無論哪個方法,都對心臟鍛鍊非常有益,同時更可燃燒大量卡路里。 握著手柄上的心跳率記錄器(中間那兩支),可以測量您運動時的心跳率,注意要使呼吸不致出現困難及過度疲累。
這器械叫Star Trac Natural Runner Plus(是外國產生,我不清楚它不名) 如果你手不想動話.就手擺到你身前邊短的d機近附!(有黑白的) 想手動.擺在長杖個到但要需要你腳動. 腳擺在有二個的長圓ge!你左邊腳就擺左長圓的黑色到.右腳擺右長圓. 身體就係好像跑步咁. 這機可以讓大家身體健康~|||||Im Sorry i cant give you what name it is in chinese, BUT it is a 帶氧運動.... normally if you want to make your heart a lot stronger or train your stamina up, you have to do more than 20 mins of work. You see those pads at the bottom of the machine, there are 2 of them, and simply just step on it and put your hands on the bar which is next to the screen of the machine. So you'll have a movement of walking with your hands doing sort of a punching movement. This machine is for your heart and your stamina, so in order to train them both, the machine has different levels of difficuties, which will increase its weight and stuff.
請問下面網址的器械中文名字叫甚麼? 這個是帶氧運動 請給我使用它的正確姿勢?(手應該擺哪裡?腳怎麼踏法?身體應傾前還是?)
圖片參考: Star Trac Natural Runner Plus 「太空漫步機」對於鍛鍊上下半身的肌肉,心肺功能訓練、臀部肌群、腿部肌群,都是非常好的運動,也能真正挑戰您的心肺體能的帶氧運動。 站在踏板上,使踏板向前移動並開始。按「QUICKSTART」掣及握著手柄,使上下半身的動作能夠配合。雙手緊握長手杆,運動時前後隨身擺動,似作滑雪爬行,腳踏在踏板上,當踏板開始前後反覆時,就展開走漫步滑行的動作。 利用「LEVEL」方向掣可以調整阻力度。記著使用時要保持良好的姿勢,即是把肩部拉後,同時保持頭部及身體挺直。讓雙膝保持與臀部相約的寬度,並和腳趾保持垂直。 動作也可從反方向進行,只要開始時將腿部往後方移動,並讓手臂跟著腿部移動就可以。無論哪個方法,都對心臟鍛鍊非常有益,同時更可燃燒大量卡路里。 握著手柄上的心跳率記錄器(中間那兩支),可以測量您運動時的心跳率,注意要使呼吸不致出現困難及過度疲累。
這器械叫Star Trac Natural Runner Plus(是外國產生,我不清楚它不名) 如果你手不想動話.就手擺到你身前邊短的d機近附!(有黑白的) 想手動.擺在長杖個到但要需要你腳動. 腳擺在有二個的長圓ge!你左邊腳就擺左長圓的黑色到.右腳擺右長圓. 身體就係好像跑步咁. 這機可以讓大家身體健康~|||||Im Sorry i cant give you what name it is in chinese, BUT it is a 帶氧運動.... normally if you want to make your heart a lot stronger or train your stamina up, you have to do more than 20 mins of work. You see those pads at the bottom of the machine, there are 2 of them, and simply just step on it and put your hands on the bar which is next to the screen of the machine. So you'll have a movement of walking with your hands doing sort of a punching movement. This machine is for your heart and your stamina, so in order to train them both, the machine has different levels of difficuties, which will increase its weight and stuff.
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