"非禮啊!佢摸我!" 英文地點講?最native 既説法係點?
Help, somebody help me! Somebody call the police! He touched me! (..and point directly at the perpetrator ) (If the guy starts to walk away, follow him and say this: ) Don't you try to walk away now you jerk, you know what you did. (variations: instead of calling him j erk, you can also use pervert, a s s h o le, son of a b itch, SOB, etc) (Some of the words in this post are probably going to be screened out by Yahoo. Feel free to send me mail and I'll give you the original if you can't figure it out). (Say something like this to increase your volume and give variety to your accusation) Hey! Hey somebody! Help! Call the cops! Remember, if you are going to make an accusation, you need to be forceful, be loud, and stay that way until you get it resolved. It's better if you have witnesses. Otherwise, cops may not be on your side, especially if you are in places like a bar. ps. I have never heard of "Discourteous" as a form of accusation. It does not mean 「非禮」. 2007-07-26 18:12:59 補充: Remember that it's touched, not touch, because by the time you say something, the incident is over. It would be wrong to say "he touches me". Saying that would make you look very silly. 2007-07-26 18:15:38 補充: If he is still doing it as you yell for help, you can say this:Get away from me you a s s hole, don't touch me. 2007-07-26 18:15:47 補充: (or use one of those words I listed above).(I think you can figure out the proper spelling of those words; I added spaces in there just so they don't get screened out by yahoo). 2007-07-27 07:19:11 補充: 因為英語沒有叫「非禮」的概念,所以這類事,不能到了要叫「非禮」才開始處理。這種男人通常會選擇一些看來很乖,很怕事的女孩來下手,所以首先你就不可以給人這個印象。開始的時候,這些人會做一些摸棱兩可的動作,例如說著說著,好像不經意地手觸及你的大腿,又或製做很開心的氣氛,突然從旁把你擁抱了一下。你面對這種事的反應,就是給人的訉號,所以要小心。 2007-07-27 07:25:28 補充: 對已經觸及你大腿的人,你可以突然把臉一沉,一言不發的看著那在你腿上的手,對方就知道自己過了界。如果他故作不知,你可以說看著他的臉說「excuse me」,當他看你的時候,你給他一個不滿甚至憤怒的眼神,再馬上看看他仍在你腿上的手,應該就可以了。如果這人仍舊假作不知,你可以明明白白的說,「please don't touch me」。對從旁把你擁抱的人,如果你喜歡他,下次他再來這套,就先發制人,先舉手跟他 high-5。這是「我跟你只是普通朋友」的訉號。如果你不喜歡他,下次他再來,你就馬上掙脫。 2007-07-27 07:34:17 補充: 上面我教你這許多的粗話,就是要你不要給人太乖的印象。英語形容這種女孩叫做「bitchy」,今日的女孩,都以在有需要時可以「bitchy」來自衛。對方有可能會口頭上反擊,說「Don't be such a b i t c h」,那也沒法,而且你也不必以為這是不好的事。你可以答,「Well, I'm taking care of myself.」也可以跟他說「You're the p r i c k here.」,不過這樣下去,可能會變成罵戰。如果你英語不夠用,可以翻一翻眼看天花板就此了結。 2007-07-27 07:42:54 補充: 不過女孩子在外,如果沒有群體的認同,只有及早走為上著。也就是說,如果其它人不站在你的一邊,就只好離開。如果你有同伴,可以快快達成共識,結伴離開。其實到了這個田地,對方有時也會知錯的而勸你留下的,或許可以給他一個機會。 2007-07-27 12:12:16 補充: 上面 yahoo 廢了變成 bitchy 的英文字是 b i t c h y。 2007-07-30 04:50:57 補充: 身為女孩子為了自衛而有點 b i t c h y ,不免要用一點粗魯的字。以下有一個表,可以給你了解一下個別字眼粗魯的程度:如果不明白,只要看文中的列表 appendix 2 就可以了。留意,列表中有些字是英式、有些是美式。你要知道每個字的意思,,可以到以下的網頁查證:不知道意思的字,最好不要用,不然會有反效果。
"非禮啊!佢摸我!" 英文地點講?最native 既説法係點?
Help, somebody help me! Somebody call the police! He touched me! (..and point directly at the perpetrator ) (If the guy starts to walk away, follow him and say this: ) Don't you try to walk away now you jerk, you know what you did. (variations: instead of calling him j erk, you can also use pervert, a s s h o le, son of a b itch, SOB, etc) (Some of the words in this post are probably going to be screened out by Yahoo. Feel free to send me mail and I'll give you the original if you can't figure it out). (Say something like this to increase your volume and give variety to your accusation) Hey! Hey somebody! Help! Call the cops! Remember, if you are going to make an accusation, you need to be forceful, be loud, and stay that way until you get it resolved. It's better if you have witnesses. Otherwise, cops may not be on your side, especially if you are in places like a bar. ps. I have never heard of "Discourteous" as a form of accusation. It does not mean 「非禮」. 2007-07-26 18:12:59 補充: Remember that it's touched, not touch, because by the time you say something, the incident is over. It would be wrong to say "he touches me". Saying that would make you look very silly. 2007-07-26 18:15:38 補充: If he is still doing it as you yell for help, you can say this:Get away from me you a s s hole, don't touch me. 2007-07-26 18:15:47 補充: (or use one of those words I listed above).(I think you can figure out the proper spelling of those words; I added spaces in there just so they don't get screened out by yahoo). 2007-07-27 07:19:11 補充: 因為英語沒有叫「非禮」的概念,所以這類事,不能到了要叫「非禮」才開始處理。這種男人通常會選擇一些看來很乖,很怕事的女孩來下手,所以首先你就不可以給人這個印象。開始的時候,這些人會做一些摸棱兩可的動作,例如說著說著,好像不經意地手觸及你的大腿,又或製做很開心的氣氛,突然從旁把你擁抱了一下。你面對這種事的反應,就是給人的訉號,所以要小心。 2007-07-27 07:25:28 補充: 對已經觸及你大腿的人,你可以突然把臉一沉,一言不發的看著那在你腿上的手,對方就知道自己過了界。如果他故作不知,你可以說看著他的臉說「excuse me」,當他看你的時候,你給他一個不滿甚至憤怒的眼神,再馬上看看他仍在你腿上的手,應該就可以了。如果這人仍舊假作不知,你可以明明白白的說,「please don't touch me」。對從旁把你擁抱的人,如果你喜歡他,下次他再來這套,就先發制人,先舉手跟他 high-5。這是「我跟你只是普通朋友」的訉號。如果你不喜歡他,下次他再來,你就馬上掙脫。 2007-07-27 07:34:17 補充: 上面我教你這許多的粗話,就是要你不要給人太乖的印象。英語形容這種女孩叫做「bitchy」,今日的女孩,都以在有需要時可以「bitchy」來自衛。對方有可能會口頭上反擊,說「Don't be such a b i t c h」,那也沒法,而且你也不必以為這是不好的事。你可以答,「Well, I'm taking care of myself.」也可以跟他說「You're the p r i c k here.」,不過這樣下去,可能會變成罵戰。如果你英語不夠用,可以翻一翻眼看天花板就此了結。 2007-07-27 07:42:54 補充: 不過女孩子在外,如果沒有群體的認同,只有及早走為上著。也就是說,如果其它人不站在你的一邊,就只好離開。如果你有同伴,可以快快達成共識,結伴離開。其實到了這個田地,對方有時也會知錯的而勸你留下的,或許可以給他一個機會。 2007-07-27 12:12:16 補充: 上面 yahoo 廢了變成 bitchy 的英文字是 b i t c h y。 2007-07-30 04:50:57 補充: 身為女孩子為了自衛而有點 b i t c h y ,不免要用一點粗魯的字。以下有一個表,可以給你了解一下個別字眼粗魯的程度:如果不明白,只要看文中的列表 appendix 2 就可以了。留意,列表中有些字是英式、有些是美式。你要知道每個字的意思,,可以到以下的網頁查證:不知道意思的字,最好不要用,不然會有反效果。
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Discourteous|||||Discourteous! He touch me! touch 已經有[使輕度受害,影響]既意思.|||||Discourteous! He/She traces me!0D7DAC4E4B9703B0文章標籤