我想知球愛可人兒果個校花---羅拉溫絲 ge資料
我想知球愛可人兒果個校花---羅拉溫絲 ge資料
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Laura Ramsey Date of birth (location) 14 November 1982 Brandon, Wisconsin, USA Mini biography Laura Ramsey is the Hollywood story personified. Fresh out of Laconia... (show more) Whatever Lola Wants (2007) (filming) .... Lola The Covenant (2006) .... Sarah Wenham She's the Man (2006) .... Olivia Venom (2005) .... Rachel Cruel World (2005) .... Jenny Inside Out (2005/I) .... Miranda Lords of Dogtown (2005) .... Gabrielle ... aka American Knights (Philippines: English title) ... aka Dogtown Boys (Germany) "The Days" .... Natalie Day (6 episodes, 2004) - Day 1,370: Part 2 (2004) TV Episode .... Natalie Day - Day 1,370: Part 1 (2004) TV Episode .... Natalie Day - Day 1,375 (2004) TV Episode .... Natalie Day - Day 1,385 (2004) TV Episode .... Natalie Day - Day 1,403 (2004) TV Episode .... Natalie Day
Laura Ramsey 生B:1982/11/14 出生地:美國威斯康辛州布蘭登 身高:5' 4" (1.63 m) 作品: 魔男生死鬥 The Covenant (2006) 足球尤物 She's the man(2006) 毒鬼Venom (2005) 衝破顛峰 Lords of Dogtown (2005) Cruel World (2005) "The Days"(6 episodes, 2004)0D7DAC4E4B9703B0