
Find a number!!!!!!!!!!


Find a positive 3-digited number such that -it has two equal digits(eg.122), -it has two equal digits when it is changed to base 8(eg.232(8)) -the sum of the digits is fourteen in both number system


The question is not dificult Since the sum of the digits is fourteen in both number system For base 8, the possible combinations are the set {4,4,6}(5,5,4}{6,6,2}{7,7,0} Using excel the results are digit 3 digit 2 digit 1 base 10 4 4 6 294 4 6 4 308 6 4 4 420 5 5 4 364 5 4 5 357 4 5 5 301 6 6 2 434 6 2 6 406 2 6 6 182 7 7 0 504 7 0 7 455 0 7 7 63 So the answer is 707




This is quite hard, haha.0D7DAC4E7B8CAAC5

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