Maths Problem 2
The sum of three numbers A ,B and C , A is four times B and C greater than A by 45. find these three numbers. Mr.chan is putting some oranges into some boxes. If each boxes contains 50 oranges, he needs are more boxes. If each boxes contains 55 oranges, one box is left. How many boxes and oranges are there?
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The sum of three numbers A ,B and C is 405, A is four times B and C greater than A by 45. find these three numbers. Let number A be x, number B be y, number C be z x + y + z = 405.........................(1) x = 4y......................................(2) x = z - 45.................................(3) From (2), x/4 = y.......................(4) From (3), x + 45 = z..................(5) Substitute (4), (5) into (1) x + (x/4) + x + 45 = 405 4x + x + 4x + 180 = 1620 9x = 1440 x = 160 // Substitute x = 160 into (4) y = 160/4 y = 40 // Substitute x = 160 into (5) z = 160 + 45 z = 205 // Number A is 160, number B is 40, number C is 205 2007-03-04 10:23:37 補充: Q2 is not clear~
The sum of three numbers A ,B and C (is ??? ), A is four times B and C greater than A by 45. find these three numbers. 不是漏了一些內容。0D7DAC4E7B8CAAC5