急!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10點~~ 訂機票問題... 美國返香港... 來回
急~~ 我想大約5月8~20從美國返香港... 大約8月中返去美國... (Norfolk in Virginia) 我想知點搵平機票訂... 因為我係航空公司睇d 價錢好貴... 我想盡量買平d... 有咩方法可以訂到平... 而又信得過既機票r?? **我唔想無lala 話出好左機票... 但係後尾又上唔到機!! or 成日都有問題個d 同埋... 而家先至訂&出會唔會太遲r?? 仲有... 如果係學生會唔會可以有d 優惠?? 例如好似香港去英國學生.. 國泰有40kg 俾學生... 最好就機票可以平d la!! 麻煩晒!!
here are 2 websites you can try: http://www.flychina.com/ http://www.asaptickets.com/ for asap tickets, it's only a quote before tax. it's usually more when i call in and get the price. they speak english. i think flychina.com is more reasonable. you can also call travel agents in the US. they speak mandarin though. it's good if you know mandarin. it doesn't matter the travel agent is not in virginia, they can find tickets for you anywhere in the US. here are some travel agents that people have recommended: 1. Discovery Travel (215) 925-6173 ask for Cathy 2. Corion Travel (408) 973-8888 3. PTS Travel (408) 248-1088 4. A World Travel (408) 441-8448 I'm not sure if you are currently in the US or in HK. i used to live there, and i'm also looking for plane tickets for my sister. the best way is to pay by credit card and get electronic tickets. hope this helps! 2007-04-27 12:37:58 補充: by the way, i don't believe there is discount for students. the only discount is for infants and children under 11. my niece is 8 years old, and they are only charging 75% of the price of an adult ticket. for an infant, it's only 10%.
try travel agency in china town they have good deals
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