





例出多本英文書的簡介、作者、出板社、頁數等等。(最少3本) 保送20點!!! 急!急! 更新: 我要英文簡介、作者、出板社、頁數呀!!! 麻煩各位!! @@ v


The princess & the pauper / by Kate Brian Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Total : 266 When sixteen-year-old Julia, of Los Angeles, and sixteen-year-old Princess Carina, of Vineland, switch places, Julia dances at the ball with the incredible Markus and Carina escapes rigid protocol to spend time with a rock star. Teen, Inc. / by Stefan Petrucha Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives Plc Total : 244 Fourteen-year-old Jaiden has been raised by NECorp since his parents were killed when he was a baby, so when he discovers that the corporation has been lying about producing illegal levels of mercury emissions, he and his two friends decide to try to do something about it. Life on the refrigerator door / by Alice Kuipers Macmillan Total : 224 Provides a portrait of the relationship between a daughter and mother. This story describes how we live our lives constantly rushing, and never making time for those we love. It is also an elegy to how much can be said in so few words, if only we made the time to say them. The curious incident of the dog in the night-time /by Mark Haddon Doubleday Total : 226 Despite his overwhelming fear of interacting with people, Christopher, a mathematically-gifted, autistic fifteen-year-old boy, decides to investigate the murder of a neighbor's dog and uncovers secret information about his mother. 2010-02-18 00:47:20 補充: The princess & the pauper (266 pages) Teen, Inc. (244 pages) Life on the refrigerator door (224 pages) The curious incident of the dog in the night-time (226 pages)


無D常識!!!! 低能!無知!白痴!低B!|||||首先, 最初時, 你可以睇d短少少, 淺少少的英文書. 當你慢慢睇多幾本後, 你會有多少少自信的. 之後你再慢慢睇d深少少, 長少少的英文書. 另外, 睇書查字典會係幾煩的. 所有堂你遇到一個新的生字唔識時, 盡可能由上文下理去估個字點解. 如果真係唔明, 你就去查字典啦! 1) 你有睇過中文版的哈里波特嗎? 其實英文版比中文更好睇. 最初時, 或者你會須要查多d英文, 但慢慢你識多d字後, 就可以明多d, 查少d了. J.K. Rowling 的 Harry Potter 系列. 暫時出了六本. 雖然大大本, 但好好睇, 唔會睇唔明! 2) Roald Dahl 的書. 佢寫咗好多兒童故事書, 好似 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (朱古力獎門人) . 佢用的英文唔會難明, 而且好好睇. Charlie系列仲有續集, 叫 Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, 都好好睇的. 另外 Roald Dahl的其他作品 James and the Giant Peach , The Witches , The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me , Matilda 等等, 都好好睇的. 3) Meg Cabot 的 The Princess Diaries (走佬俏公主/ 公主日記) 系列. Meg Cabot的書好輕鬆, 有趣. 英文易明, 可以一睇! 4) Jostein Gaarder 的 A Christmas Mystery , The Solitaire Mystery , Sophie*s World , *Through a Glass, Darkly*都好好睇的. Jostein Gaarder的書關於人生哲學的, 但唔會難明. 我會建議你先睇 A Christmas Mystery 同 The Solitaire Mystery, 因為 Sophie*s World會較難明白. 另外 A Christmas Mystery 同 The Solitaire Mystery有趣dd. 5) Frank Peretti 的 The Veritas Project: Hangman's Curse , The Veritas Project: Nightmare Academy 都好適合你睇. 係講兩兄妹遇到的怪事的. 好緊張的!!! 6) Lemony Snicket 的 A Series of Unfortunately Events (波特萊爾的冒險), 都會好岩你睇. 個故事係講三個姊弟妹由父母死後, 所發生的一連串不幸事件的. 雖然係 *不幸*事件, 但好得意的! 英文亦唔難明. 7) 你鍾意睇格林童話 (Brothers Grimm*s Fairy Tales ) 嗎? 我就由細到大都好鍾意. 你不妨睇睇英文版的故事!!! 英文唔難明 , 又好睇. 網上有好多online books的. 你可以click以下個網址: Fairy Tales by Brothers Grimm 8) The Phantom Tollbooth --- Norton Juster , 都係一本好書. 這是關於 一個覺得悶既男生Milo好偶然地去到 智慧既王國.佢係王國裡有好多經歷同埋認識左好多朋友.The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster is also a very good book. It is about a very bored boy named Milo and accidently gets into the Kingdom of Wisdom. He has had a lot of adventures in the Kingdom and has made a lot friends. I like this story very much and this is one of my all time favourites! 9) Jackie Pullinger 的 Chasing the Dragon 都好好睇的. 講一個外國女人去九龍城寨到傳基督教福音. 真人真事, 好值得睇.E2A5F59BAA12C031

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