About percentage (Mathematics) [BCMathsCh8P12]
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[BC Maths Ch.8 P.12] The bag is sold at a discount of 20% on its marked price which is $400. (i). What is the selling price of the bag? (ii). A profit of $70 is made by selling the bag. What is the % profit?
selling price = marked price x ( 1 - % discount ) selling price = 400 ( 1- 20%) {20% can be written in 0.2) selling price = 400 x 0.8 = 320 (% profit) = 100%x profit / ( selling price - profit) { selling price - profit = the original price of the bag} = 70 / (320 - 70) x 100% = 70 / 250 x 100% = 7 / 25 (100/25 = 4) = 28%