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邊到有得down灣岸的歌 我要的歌係街機的歌第1,2,3集都要(全要) 唔該..................
圖片參考:http://www.bandainamcogames.co.jp/aa/am/vg/wanganmaxi2/bgm/img/4_2.jpg 灣岸2 OST下載 101 entry (maxi1 version).mp3 102 rival and course select (maxi1 version).mp3 103 maximum acceleration.mp3 104 feel the passion.mp3 105 beyond the horizon.mp3 106 driver's delight.mp3 107 atheist on the highway.mp3 108 decoration for the dement.mp3 109 fun-loving spirit.mp3 110 stream of tears.mp3 111 speed fanatic.mp3 112 total terror.mp3 113 acid runner.mp3 114 destination blackout.mp3 115 blue blazes.mp3 116 result (maxi1 version).mp3 117 until the excitement cools down.mp3 201 opening theme.mp3 202 entry (maxi2 version).mp3 203 rival and course select (maxi2 version).mp3 204 overdrive neurotransmitters.mp3 205 nip and tuck race.mp3 206 upbeat gas junkie.mp3 207 unlawful temptation.mp3 208 this is my destiny.mp3 209 highway obsession.mp3 210 smoldery guest.mp3 211 adrenaline blowouts the fear.mp3 212 ghost in the resonance.mp3 213 nothing can live forever.mp3 214 another dimension.mp3 215 result (maxi2 version).mp3 216 last utopia.mp3 217 holy land anthem.mp3 圖片參考:http://boss.ming415.googlepages.com/ost_artwork.jpg 灣岸3 OST下載 Entry Maxi3 Select Maxi3 Inexhaustible Energy In Your Dream Get Down to the Drive Top-Flight Mechanics Wanna Try One last Time Get you Cornered Love to Rise in the Summer Morning Evil Association Cause You're Different Supreme Folly Control Your Body Shrewd Critic Feel the Moment Black Pressure Phantom of Blue Result Maxi3 Just Flat Out Midnight Sanctuary Shine Opening Maxi3 2008-04-28 00:38:29 補充: 如果download 唔倒請通一下我,或寄信給我,我會透過MSN 或Email send 比你!! 2008-04-28 00:38:57 補充: 如果download 唔倒請通知一下我,或寄信給我,我會透過MSN 或Email send 比你!!
你可以去fOxy dOwn.. 或者可以去百度dOwn.. 再或者可以去d論壇dOwn.. 1.www.uwants.com 2.www.discuss.com.hk 3.www.failforum.net 4.www.catcatforum.com 5.www.todou.com/my/soft/speedup.php 如果想即係有得睇oR聽.. 你可以去 1.www.youtube.com果度seach. 2.www.youtube.hk果度seach.. 3.yahOo videO 4.www.6bb.com 5.www.8ttt.com 6.www.6621.com 7.hk.music.yahoo.com 8.www.moov.now.com.hk 9.app.tvb.com/music/ index.html 10.www.56.com 11.www.city88.net 12.usic.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/mu/index.cgi 13.usichk.org 14.ic.hinet.net/himusic/index.jsp 15.eb.ezprre.com 16.bbs.moninet.com.tw/board/forums.cgi?forum=40 17.www.lemonmusic.com.hk 18.www.tudou.com 19.www.xiaoli.cc 希望可以幫到你啦^^'` 圖片參考:http://mungchacha.com/discuz/images/smilies/emotion01.gifE2A5F59BAA12C031