作一篇約300字題目是(The important of exercise)
作一篇約300字題目是(the important of exercise) 更新: 200-300字
http://www.thercg.org/youth/articles/0201-tioe.html The importance of exercise is nothing new. Thomas Jefferson once wrote that to be successful in academic studies, a person should "give about two of them [that's hours, people!], every day, to exercise; for health must not be sacrificed to learning. A strong body makes the mind strong." Most experts today do not demand 2 hours of daily exercise. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that people get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity most days of the week. Work out at the gym. The gym can be a great place to work off stress from the pressures of school. And if time on the stationary bike or treadmill makes you feel like a hamster, you'll probably find lots of other options at your college gym, such a pool or yoga classes. Exercise should be fun, because the more you enjoy it the more likely you are to do it regularly. So find activities you like and make them a part of your routine. It is possible to get too much exercise. Overexercise can strain your joints and weaken your muscles, increasing your risk of injury. Always pay attention to signals from your body when you work out - it will let you know when you're pushing yourself too hard or straining too much. In addition, without enough time to recuperate between workouts, you body can wear down. Most fitness experts and trainers recommend a day off after a hard workout to give muscles time to rest and repair themselves; this is the way that muscles become stronger.
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