打算中6 畢業(334) 去美國......
我打算 中6考完 果次試去美國 e家中4 ,因為英語程度低, 想過去學同埋, 我諗住e家惡補 返d 英文 想過果邊讀u想請問下 係唔係考完 個toefl 就得? toefl 程度如何 ,( 比之 香港既會考) sat 又係點? 同埋, 我中4 選左 文科 ( 地理+ 西史) 到左果邊既大學 可以選咩科? 另外,就係 資金方面, 最低幾多錢 1 年? 我到時諗住做下 parttime 幫補下, ------------------------------------------------+埋幾個問題!!!1: cc 係咩黎? 同 大學有咩分別? 2: 果邊d m記 幾錢個鐘- - ... 顯示更多 我打算 中6考完 果次試去美國 e家中4 ,因為英語程度低, 想過去學 同埋, 我諗住e家惡補 返d 英文 想過果邊讀u 想請問下 係唔係考完 個toefl 就得? toefl 程度如何 ,( 比之 香港既會考) sat 又係點? 同埋, 我中4 選左 文科 ( 地理+ 西史) 到左果邊既大學 可以選咩科? 另外,就係 資金方面, 最低幾多錢 1 年? 我到時諗住做下 parttime 幫補下, ------------------------------------------------ +埋幾個問題!!! 1: cc 係咩黎? 同 大學有咩分別? 2: 果邊d m記 幾錢個鐘- - 有咩入職要求? 更新: 唔好意思, 我英文 唔係咁好, 最好用中文作答 ps: 用英文都ok 既= ="
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1. TOEFL is a must (Similar to old HKCEE English Syllabus B). SAT (or its equivalent) will be needed as well. 2. You can choose anything as you want to. In fact, you can switch sides. 3. USD$40,000 or HKD$312,000 per year (average total cost). 4. CC stands for Community college. It is similar to the one in Hong Kong. The only difference is community college is a integrated portion of the higher education, which has a better structure for transfer (and a higher chance). 50%-70% of university students (Year 3 or Junior) are came from community colleges. 5. It varies by places (It can be as high as USD$10 per hour). However, you can't work as a student.