「L’Hospital’s rule」點解會叫做「L’Hospital’s rule」?同「Hospital」有甚麼關係
「L’Hospital’s rule」點解會叫做「L’Hospital’s rule」? 同「Hospital」有甚麼關係?
In calculus, l'H?pital's rule (alternatively, and quite incorrectly, l'Hospital's rule) uses derivatives to help compute limits with indeterminate forms. Application (or repeated application) of the rule often converts an indeterminate form to a determinate form, allowing easy computation of the limit. The rule is named after the 17th-century French mathematician Guillaume de l'H?pital, who published the rule in his book Analyse des infiniment petits pour l'intelligence des lignes courbes (literally: Analysis of the infinitely small to understand curves)(1696), the first book to be written on differential calculus. The rule is believed to be the work of Johann Bernoulli. L'H?pital, a nobleman, paid Bernoulli a retainer of 300 Francs per year to keep him updated on developments in calculus and to solve problems he had. Among these problems was that of limits of indeterminate forms. When l'H?pital published his book, he gave due credit to Bernoulli and, not wishing to take credit for any of the mathematics in the book, he published the work anonymously. Bernoulli, who was known for being extremely jealous, claimed to be the author of the entire work, and until recently, it was believed to be so. Nevertheless, the rule was named for l'H?pital, who never claimed to have invented it in the first place
I believe this is what you want to know. This is french : Règle de l'h?pital English : Hospital's rule I hope this can help.