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math question (10分)
A three digit number is formed form the digits 0,1,3,5,6,7 and 8. Each digit can be used only once. 1)How many of these are even number? 2)How many of these are less than 500? Ans :1) 80 2)60 show working step plz
1)How many of these are even number? 雙數最緊要個位數字係0,2,4,6,8 咁我地將d數分為兩組,單一組,雙一組,那麼單就有1,3,5,7四個數,雙就有0,6,8三個數 好la,我地而地要form一個3位雙數,咁我地睇下d case先 a單單雙 b單雙雙 c雙單雙 d雙雙雙 lee 4個case都可以form到個雙數出黎 咁我地計下每一個case ge機會,再加返埋,就係form到雙數的機會 P(單單雙)=(4/7)*(3/6)*(3/5)=36/210 P(單雙雙)=(4/7)*(3/6)*(2/5)=24/210 P(雙單雙)=(2/7)*(4/6)*(2/5)=16/210 P(雙雙雙)=(2/7)*(2/6)*(1/5)=4/210 #ps第一個唔可以係0,所以係2/7唔係3/7 咁P(三位雙數)=P(單單雙)+P(單雙雙)+P(雙單雙)+P(雙雙雙)=36/210+24/210+24/210+6/210=80/210 全部case=210 所以三位雙數的數目有210*80/210=80個 2)How many of these are less than 500? 最緊要係第個百位數細過5,但又係百位唔可以0,所以得1同3 所以P(