New Mercedes Benz E230 or E280
I live in Hong Kong and I am driving a 2003/04 Cefiro 2.3 and want to change to a Mercedes Benz. Any advice whether I should go for E230 AV or E280 AV? My concern is whether E230 can go up steep slope. What is the gasoline consumption like for each model? 更新: Tks! How about E280? Price for E230 AV & E280 AV (std) is $559K & $645K, resp. but E280 comes with electric folding mirrors, Pktronic system & sunroof. Price for std E230 plus 1st 2 options is $577.5K. Worth to pay $67.5K more to get the 3rd option + 500 cc? How is the 2nd hand mkt for both models? 更新 2: Thanks! What is your email address?
The E230 won’t be the fastest car on the road, but if you are comfortable with the Cefiro 2.3’s power, you will be more than happy with the performance of the E230. First of all, even though the E230 has a designation of “230”, it actually has a 2.5L V6 engine. The E230 has 204 hp and 25kg-m torque, and the Cefiro has 173 hp and 22.9kg-m torque. At 1655kg, the E230 is around 130kg heavier than the Cefiro, but when you do the calculation, each horsepower from the E230 only has to carry 8.11kg, while each of the Cefiro’s 173 hp has to carry 8.81kg. The Cefiro comes with a 4-speed automatic transmission, which is not as efficient as E230’s 7-speed automatic. Cefiro’s peak torque also comes at a lofty 4400 rpm, while the E230’s 25kg-m peak torque comes at a lower, more useable 2900 rpm, and stays till 5500 rpm, which helps a lot on low speed acceleration. The flat plateau of the peak torque will actually helps accelerating the car in most situations. The E230 should have no problem going up the steep slopes. For gasoline consumption, the E230 consumes about 9.7~10L/100km, while the E280 consumes 10~10.3L/100km. 有咩睇唔明或想我用中文答我可以補充, 不過睇你嘅英文我諗應該冇乜問題 :) 2007-06-05 21:18:39 補充: I can't guess-timate the future depreciation of the car, but here's my take: If you equipped the The E230 with the options which comes close to the E280, both cars will have about the same depreciation rate (NOTE: rate, not amount). 2007-06-05 21:19:58 補充: My reason is that 230 is in the lower annual registration fee bracket than 280, but Chinese likes the word 28.Parktronic is a must in HK,sunroof is for resale value(I personally find it useless),& I can live without the mirror (although market demand says the other way,again,will help resale value). 2007-06-05 21:21:33 補充: I guess it's a matter of if you think paying an extra 67.5K for 20 some extra horsepower is worth it or not. Feel free to e-mail to me for further discussion cos I am close to the word count limit in this post. :) 2007-06-08 12:22:48 補充: click on my name (next to 回答者), go to my profile, and click on (寄信給他/她) at upper right corner
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