



請問全世界有多少國家訂英語為官方語言? 更新: TO Duncan: 據我所知,英美澳紐官方語言都係英語 而我正正身處紐西蘭@_@" 我的資料有錯誤嗎? 請指教


係71定75呢? 其實係71個國家~ 要注意: 1. 一個國家既官方語言可以多過一種 2. 官方語言 不 = 國家最多人講既語言 3. 最多人講 不 = 國家既官方語言 Rank Country (*= widely spoken but not an official language) Population[1] 1 India 1,103,600,000 2 United States* 300,007,997 3 Pakistan 162,419,946 4 Nigeria 128,771,988 5 Philippines 87,857,473 6 United Kingdom* 60,441,457 7 South Africa 44,344,136 8 Kenya 33,829,590 9 Canada 32,300,000 10 Uganda 27,269,482 11 Ghana 21,029,853 12 Australia* 20,800,000 13 Sri Lanka 20,064,776 14 Madagascar 19,280,000 15 Cameroon 16,380,005 16 Zimbabwe 12,746,990 17 Malawi 12,158,924 18 Zambia 11,261,795 19 Rwanda 8,440,820 20 Hong Kong [2] 6,898,686 21 Sierra Leone 6,017,643 22 Papua New Guinea 5,545,268 23 Singapore 4,425,720 24 Republic of Ireland 4,130,700 25 New Zealand* 4,108,561 26 Puerto Rico [3] 3,912,054 27 Liberia 3,482,211 28 Jamaica 2,731,832 29 Namibia 2,030,692 30 Lesotho 1,867,035 31 Botswana 1,640,115 32 The Gambia 1,593,256 33 Mauritius 1,230,602 34 Swaziland 1,173,900 35 Trinidad and Tobago 1,088,644 36 Fiji 893,354 37 Guyana 765,283 38 Solomon Islands 538,032 39 Malta 398,534 40 The Bahamas 301,790 41 Belize 279,457 42 Barbados 279,254 43 Vanuatu 205,754 44 Guam [4] 168,564 45 Saint Lucia 166,312 46 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 117,534 47 U.S. Virgin Islands [5] 108,708 48 Micronesia, Federated States of 108,105 49 Kiribati 103,092 50 Jersey [6] 90,812 51 Grenada 89,502 52 Seychelles 81,188 53 Northern Mariana Islands [7] 80,801 54 Isle of Man [8] 75,049 55 Dominica 69,029 56 Antigua and Barbuda 68,722 57 Bermuda [9] 65,365 58 Guernsey [10] 65,228 59 American Samoa [11] 64,869 60 Marshall Islands 59,071 61 Cayman Islands 44,270 62 Saint Kitts and Nevis 38,958 63 Gibraltar 27,884 64 British Virgin Islands 22,643 65 Cook Islands 21,388 66 Turks and Caicos Islands 20,556 67 Palau 20,303 68 Anguilla 13,254 69 Montserrat 9,341 70 Saint Helena 7,460 71 Falkland Islands 2,967 72 Norfolk Island 1,828 73 Christmas Island [12] 1,600 74 Tristan da Cunha 273 75 Pitcairn Islands [13] 67 個list 有75個國家, 但係其實 english as official language 既國家只有71個, 因為 美國, 英國, 澳洲 同 紐西蘭 這4個國家, 英語唔係official language, 只係最多人講, 而英語o係英國同美國某d州係official language, 但係成個國家黎講, 政府就冇定到一個official language, 所以唔係75, 而係71喇 就係咁~




有幾種講法,71個 或 75個。 本人認為71個。0D7DAC4E6DF60DFA

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