我係一名學生~家姐去左外國讀書,想過去探佢 但我得張身分証 我知道要簽VISA先可以過去 咁除左簽VISA之外,我仲要搞D咩証呢 同埋我係讀緊書.簽VISA一個人過去外國係咪都有難度呢? 同埋黎緊呢年,我可能會周圍菲,咁我仲要搞D咩証黎旁身呢? 唔該晒
- 眼鏡D英文點解-(SPH,CYL等)(20分)
- 我要去英國旅行,去23日
- 我想去學日文@1@
- 請問 400 的開方答案是多少 -_0
- 死神Bleach
- 火影忍者疑團?@1@
- 求單字動詞_4
- PSP問題@1@
- 氫由甚麼組成--
- 簡體book邊到有得buy@1@
First of all, you will require to get a Passport in order to get a VISA... To get a HKSAR Passport, you will require to book an appointment with HK Immgration department... Usually you will get your passport within 2weeks after you apply... For the application form and further information, please go to the following website: http://www.immd.gov. hk/chtml/hksarp.htm# a To book an appointment, you can do it online which would be easiest, and you will have an option of 6 office across Hong Kong... For appointment, please go to the following website: http://www.esd.gov.h k/campaign/1004/chi/ get_form.asp And the location of the office are as follow, you can always turn up and they will deal with it as well... However, if you decided to go without a booking, please go early once the office is open, as their appointment fill up quickly... Usually just before holiday is when its most crowded as most people would want to get their passport renew etc... Their office location are as follow: 港島區簽發旅行證件辦事處* 中環統一碼頭道38號海港政府大樓2樓 電話:2852 3047 東九龍辦事處 藍田匯景道1-17號匯景花園匯景廣場第二層 電話:2347 3492 西九龍辦事處 油麻地上海街250號油麻地停車場大廈閣樓 電話:2359 4426 元朗辦事處 元朗西菁街23號富達廣場地下B舖位 電話:2475 4145 火炭辦事處 火炭樂景街2至18號銀禧閣商場4樓405及406號舖位 電話:2651 8644 沙田辦事處 沙田上禾輋路1號沙田政府合署3樓 電話:2158 6419 After you receive your passport from HK immgration department around 2weeks after you first apply... You will then require to go to US Embassay to apply for the necessary VISA... Usually, they will provide you a VISA as long as you have no crimal record... For US, you will definately require a VISA... But for a list of 135 countries, a VISA is not required for a HKSAR passport or a VISA could be done upon arrival of the country... At these countries, you will have the freedom to stay up to 30~90 Days depending on the policy of each country... For further information of which country doesnt require a VISA for HKSAR passport, please visit the following website: http://www.immd.gov.hk/chtml/topical_4.htm
要有護照 (passport) 2007-01-07 01:07:18 補充: 領事館可以要求出示回程飛機票,醫療保險等等,告訴他們在簽證是之後才會買。 總是說訪問的目的是放假去旅行美國,加拿大。可以話有復活節假去旅行。說和父母親去旅行,他們已有簽證。0D7DAC4E6DF60DFA