我想要悲慘世界的摘要 中 英文 各300字
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300字有點難喔 我努力刪剩下400字 因為劇情很豐富 中文: 尚萬強 (Jean Valjean)他偷了幾個麵包想讓孩子充飢,卻被逮捕入獄。尚萬強假釋出獄後,因有前科而處處受鄙視,後來受到主教的感化,決定從新做人,改名馬德蘭(M.Madeleine),他開辦工廠致富,還被選為該市的市長。工廠內有個叫芳婷(Fantine)的女工,因有個私生女柯賽特(Cosette)而被解雇。尚萬強在芳婷臨終前保證會把柯賽特撫養長大。但擔任市長的期間,尚萬強為了營救一個被壓在推車下的人,他力氣之大,警察賈維(Javert)認出尚萬強就是違反假釋的犯人,由於身分曝光,尚萬強只好帶著柯賽特潛逃到巴黎。 柯塞特長大之後,與法國革命青年馬里歐(Marius)相戀。屬於政府軍的賈維被革命軍囚禁起來。尚萬強決定放他走。馬里歐在學運中身受重傷,卻同時遇到賈維,賈維感念尚萬強過去對他的仁慈,因此放過尚萬強和馬里歐,但賈維為此心中無比矛盾煎熬,最後選擇投河自盡。 後來尚萬強允諾了馬里歐與柯賽特的婚事。他便毅然離開兩人。後來馬里歐帶著柯賽特尋找尚萬強。他已生重病,不久離開人世。 英文: Jean Valjean has been released from imprisonment for stealing bread for his starving sister, but rejected by innkeepers. However, the benevolent Bishop takes him in and gives him shelter. Later he decides to make an honest man of himself. Having assumed the pseudonym Monsieur Madeleine, he has become a wealthy factory owner and is appointed mayor of his town. A fired worker named Fantine for having an illegitimate daughter named Cosette. Valjean promised to raised her daughter before she died. One time, Valjean, as a mayor, rescued a victim stuck under the cart. Police Javert recognized he is the illegal prisoner for his great strength. He later escaped to Paris. As Cosette grew up, she fell in love with a sergeant named Marius. While javert was imprisoned by sergeants, but Valjean let go of Javert. Later Marius was greatly hurt in the revolution, at the same time they both met Javert, Javert decided to let go of Marius and Valjean for repayment, but struggled in mind. Later he jumped into river and died. Finally, Valjean promised Cosette to marry Marius. Valjean decided to leave they both. Later Marius took Cosette to seek Valjean, he was greatly sick, and shortly he was gone.