




請問而家銀行做o既樓宇按揭最優惠利率係P-%?? THX~~


I have make the following analysis for my case: the price of the premise is HK$2.58m I use 95% mortgage 25 yrs insurance = HK$93,366 and it will be included in loan for mortgage actual借貸金額=HK2.58m x 95% + HK$93,366 = HK$2,544,366.00 There are a no. of plans in the market among various banks. You have to give a phone call to each bank to ask for their latest arrangement. The result below may not be valid now. 香港同業拆息=4.90% 年期 (yrs)25 methodology: an amortisation schedule is produced for each plan. The average of the regular payments is summarised. The cash rebate will not be deducted from the loan amount as most of the banks provide the rebate via credit card. You must use it. All the interest paid in each month will be discounted back to time zero by the mortgage rate. The summarised total interest is the total discounted interest at the time you borrow the loan minus the cash rebate. A simple interest to loan ratio is also provided for your easy reference. No matter what percentage of the cash rebate specified by the bank, it must be less than 1% of 70% of the property value (i.e. < 0.007 of your premise price) 銀行=匯豐銀行 按揭計劃=P-2.88% 最優惠利率=7.75% 現金回贈=HK$0 罰息期=3yrs 每月供款=HK$14,682 全期利息支出=HK$1,242,803 利息與貸款比=48.85% 銀行=恆生銀行 按揭計劃=P-2.9% 最優惠利率=7.75% 現金回贈=HK$18,060 罰息期=3yrs 每月供款=HK$14,653 全期利息支出=HK$1,220,847 利息與貸款比=47.98% 銀行=中銀香港 按揭計劃=P-2.975% 最優惠利率=7.75% 現金回贈=HK$18,060 罰息期=3yrs 每月供款=HK$14,542 全期利息支出=HK$1,206,151 利息與貸款比=47.40% 銀行=花旗銀行 按揭計劃=P-3.25% 最優惠利率=8.00% 現金回贈=HK$18,060 罰息期=3yrs 每月供款=HK$14,506 全期利息支出=HK$1,201,224 利息與貸款比=47.21% 銀行=中信嘉華銀行 按揭計劃=P-3%, with P-3.2% for the first 1 year 最優惠利率=8.00% 現金回贈=HK$0 罰息期=3yrs 每月供款=HK$14,854 全期利息支出=HK$1,264,671 利息與貸款比=49.70% 銀行=中信嘉華銀行 按揭計劃=P-2.8%, with P-3.2% for the first 1 year 最優惠利率=8.00% 現金回贈=HK$15,266 罰息期=3yrs 每月供款=HK$15,131 全期利息支出=HK$1,284,157 利息與貸款比=50.47% 銀行=創興銀行 按揭計劃=P-3.25% 最優惠利率=8.00% 現金回贈=HK$18,060 罰息期=3yrs 每月供款=HK$14,506 全期利息支出=HK$1,201,224 利息與貸款比=47.21% 銀行=創興銀行 按揭計劃=P-3.25%, with P-4.25% for the first 1 year 最優惠利率=8.00% 現金回贈=HK$0 罰息期=3yrs 每月供款=HK$14,403 全期利息支出=HK$1,202,431 利息與貸款比=47.26% 銀行=創興銀行 按揭計劃=P-3.25%, with P-3.5% for the first 3 years 最優惠利率=8.00% 現金回贈=HK$6,361 罰息期=3yrs 每月供款=HK$14,431 全期利息支出=HK$1,201,028 利息與貸款比=47.20% 銀行=永隆銀行 按揭計劃=P-3.25% 最優惠利率=8.00% 現金回贈=HK$18,060 罰息期=3yrs 每月供款=HK$14,506 全期利息支出=HK$1,201,224 利息與貸款比=47.21% 銀行=永隆銀行 按揭計劃=P-3.25%, with P-3.5% for the first 3 years 最優惠利率=8.00% 現金回贈=HK$0 罰息期=3yrs 每月供款=HK$14,431 全期利息支出=HK$1,207,389 利息與貸款比=47.45% 銀行=渣打銀行 按揭計劃=P-3.25% 最優惠利率=8.00% 現金回贈=HK$18,060 罰息期=0yr 每月供款=HK$14,506 全期利息支出=HK$1,201,224 利息與貸款比=47.21% 銀行=東亞銀行 按揭計劃=P-3.33%, with P-3.4% for the first 5 years 最優惠利率=8.00% 現金回贈=HK$0 罰息期=1yr 每月供款=HK$14,355 全期利息支出=HK$1,198,119 利息與貸款比=47.09% 銀行=東亞銀行 按揭計劃=P-3.33%, with P-3.3% for the first 3 years and P-3.4% for the fourth & fifth year 最優惠利率=8.00% 現金回贈=HK$10,177 罰息期=3yrs 每月供款=HK$14,385 全期利息支出=HK$1,128,083 利息與貸款比=44.34%


想借錢又想節省利息?遇到借唔到錢既情況? 私人貸款、業主貸款、按揭轉介、債務舒緩或重組 我地一站式服務一定幫到你 為你提供最合適既計劃,各間銀行貸款機構既優惠利率 唔洗麻煩你走黎走去,節省你既時間、金錢 1. 私人貸款,貸款額可達月薪23倍(需入息紀錄) 2. 樓宇、物業、車位套現 3. 沒有入息紀錄,但需要現金周轉 4. 貸款項目較多,想集中環款 5. 卡數問題,無力環款 6. 信貸評級過低,借款無門 * 免費資詢,不成功絕不收取費任何費用 whatsapp : 60112163 e-mail : scm_chow@yahoo.com.hk|||||一般是P-2.9% 至2.95%0D7DAC4E6DF60DFA

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