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explain plz,chem question
http://imageshack.us/photo/photo/407/y27k.png/ why ans not b? http://imageshack.us/photo/photo/547/mcml.png/ why ans not a? http://imageshack.us/photo/photo/13/nqj1.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/photo/7/jgdp.png/ 更新: why C2 has no unpaired e-? is it right to say that O2 appear to gain mass in magnetic field because it has unpaired e-?
74. each carbon undergoes sp2 hybridization, leaving an un-hybridized p-orbital. and pi-bond is formed by overlapping of p-orbital. 80. what i've been told is that hybridization is considered for central atoms only. but anyway, O possesses 4 unpaired electrons and a sigma bond, so it's safe to assume sp2 hybridization. needs an un-hybridized p-orbital to overlap with the sp2-hybridized carbon next to it, to form a pi-bond. 95. (s) = sigma MO, (p) = pi MO OF (+) has 12 electrons in outermost shells (2s)* (2p)* ↑ ↑ (2p) ↑↓ ↑↓ (2s) ↑↓ (2s)* ↑↓ (2s) ↑↓ 96. fill up the MO diagram after counting the number of electrons in each molecule. try it yourself. 2013-11-03 14:44:12 補充: Hmmmm, that's strange. you're right. unless i missed something, C2 should also has unpaired electrons.