







唔明你問緊乜?你係講緊人類? 人類除咗生殖細胞(精子同卵子)之外,每個細胞都有23對(即係46條)染色體(包括腦細胞),生殖細胞因為要結合成為有23對染色體嘅受精卵,所以各自只有23條染色體. 其他生物會唔會係得12對染色體,就要查下先知啦. 以下係一D關於染色體嘅資料,你自己慢慢睇啦. The human chromosomes Human cells have 23 pairs of large linear nuclear chromosomes, giving a total of 46 per cell. In addition to these, human cells have many hundreds of copies of the mitochondrial genome. All of the human chromosomes have been sequenced and a great deal is known about each of them. Chromosome Genes Bases Determined bases? 1 2968 245,203,898 218,712,898 2 2288 243,315,028 237,043,673 3 2032 199,411,731 193,607,218 4 1297 191,610,523 186,580,523 5 1643 180,967,295 177,524,972 6 1963 170,740,541 166,880,540 7 1443 158,431,299 154,546,299 8 1127 145,908,738 141,694,337 9 1299 134,505,819 115,187,714 10 1440 135,480,874 130,710,865 11 2093 134,978,784 130,709,420 12 1652 133,464,434 129,328,332 13 748 114,151,656 95,511,656 14 1098 105,311,216 87,191,216 15 1122 100,114,055 81,117,055 16 1098 89,995,999 79,890,791 17 1576 81,691,216 77,480,855 18 766 77,753,510 74,534,531 19 1454 63,790,860 55,780,860 20 927 63,644,868 59,424,990 21 303 46,976,537 33,924,742 22 288 49,476,972 34,352,051 X (sex chromosome) 1184 152,634,166 147,686,664 Y (sex chromosome) 231 50,961,097 22,761,097 unplaced various ? 25,263,157 25,062,835 ? Human Genome Project goals called for determination of only the euchromatic portion of the genome. Telomeres, centromeres, and other heterochromatic regions have been left undetermined, as have a small number of unclonable gaps.[5] Number of chromosomes in various organisms Eukaryotes Chromosome numbers in some plants Plant Species # Arabidopsis thaliana 10 Rye 14 Maize 20 Einkorn wheat 14 Pollard wheat 28 Bread wheat 42 Wild tobacco[citation needed] 24 Cultivated tobacco 48 Adder's Tongue Fern[1] 1262 Chromosome numbers in some animals Species # Species # Common fruit fly 8 Guinea Pig 16 Dove[citation needed] 16 Snail[citation needed] 24 Earthworm[2] 36 Tibetan fox 36 Domestic cat 38 Domestic pig 38 Lab mouse 40 Lab rat 42 Rabbit[citation needed] 44 Syrian hamster 44 Hare[citation needed] 46 Human 46 Gorilla, Chimpanzee 48 Domestic sheep 54 Elephant[citation needed] 56 Cow 60 Donkey 62 Horse 64 Dog[3] 78 Chicken 78 Goldfish 104 Butterflies[citation needed] 380


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